Gbeapo Geeken United Development Association
Bushrod Island
Monrovia, Liberia
May 13,2006
Dear Miss Katherine Murphy,
We present compliments and wish to address our issues through you for an assistance.
The above Organization based in Monrovia has embacked on number of development projects at home in order to restore the Gbeapo Geeken Community to its pre-war status. Amongst the many projects, the Organization has decided to prioritize education and therefore had chosen to construct a Modern School building .
The present school building that was constructed through your inganuity by the American Embassy Self-help fund is now in ruin because of termites(bulger-bul) and heavy storm.
Therefore, the above organization is appealing to you for assistance by negotiating with any donor or humanatarian Organization to help us.
Miss Murphy, Our organization is collaborating with the former Principal, Mr. Teh some teachers, students and the citizens at home.
We are of the hope that a positive result will be achieved.
Thanking you in advance for your usual concern for the citizen and people of Gbeapo Geeken, River Gee County.
Signed: Ruth Teh
Attested: Hon. Daniel B. Teh,Sr.
former Principal
Approved: Charles Q. Senneh
President, Gbeapo Geeken United Development Association.